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Trucker shortage in the US: missing 90,000 drivers to keep prices low, demand for reliable drivers rise.


It doesn’t matter if  you make your purchases online or in stores, the country is seeing higher costs of products, and some think it’s because of the Lack of truck drivers

The American Trucking Association (ATA) said 90,000 truck drivers must be hired every year to keep up with the Transportation demand across the continental U. S, and, in that way, keep product prices at a stable range.

“Demand is so high, that a lot of carriers are increasing their pay and making a lot more in the first year,” said Seth Owens, lead trucking instructor at St. Louis Community College.

Since the demand is so high, this school provides CDL and driving training to around 200 students a year.

The ATA said this is a Social problem. Consumers and retailers are paying the consequences, which could include a delay in deliveries, products shortage and as mentioned, high prices.

The ATA said there could be a few reasons behind the shortage, including age demographics, lack of qualified applicants and the inability to attract younger workers to this middle age dominated industry.

In order to keep up with this demand, the trucking industry would need to get nearly 900,000 new drivers through 2026.


Source: http://www.kmov.com/story/38445467/trucker-shortage-driving-prices-up